"Rise and Fall of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in Pakistan Political System"

"Rise and Fall of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in Pakistan Political System"

1 Ouz Gul 2 Dr. Muhammad Naeem

1 Mphil Scholar, BZU, Multan

2 Laureate Folks International



laureatefolks@gmail.com, WhatsApp: +923334446261

Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (NS), Who worked for three non-consecutive terms as prime minister of Pakistan? The answer to this query is Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.

1.      EARLY LIFE

Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, an expert politician, was born on December 25, 1949. He belongs to an upper-middle-class family. He is the eldest son of the founder of Ittefaq and Sharif Group. Nawaz Sharif is the richest man of Pakistan with a cash flow of at least $1.6 million.

He got his high secondary education from Saint Anthony High School. He graduated in arts and business. Then, he received a law degree from Punjab University in Lahore.


Every loss in life makes you stronger and decides the ultimate destiny of your life. The same happened to Nawaz Sharif. Late PM Zulfikar Ali Bhutto established communization policies. These policies dragged the Nawaz family into a business loss. At that moment, Nawaz decided to rise as a politician to regain control of the steel plants. In 1976, Nawaz connected PML. Then he bloomed as finance minister in 1981. He was a campaigner of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq’s military government in 1980. He persuades Zia to deregulate communization policies. In this way, he was able to get back the steel industry. Punjab became the wealthiest province due to the privatization of government-owned businesses. Punjab also secured more federal funding than other’s provinces. These all activities create economic disparity.


In 1985, Nawaz proposed as chief minister. Despite some conflicts with Muhammad Khan Junejo. He won the election and famous as the “Lion of Punjab”. Nawaz Sharif draws attention to the sustentation of law and order. He worked for welfare and development projects. In 1988, the government exchanged. But Nawaz was still considered suitable for his previous designation as chief minister. General Zia supported Nawaz till his death.

After the death of Zia-ul-Haq, two parts of the party formed. One was led by Nawaz Sharif and named PML later known as PML-N.



Republicans first came to power in a parliamentary Pakistan in 1990. Nawaz Sharif won the honor to be the 12th prime minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. He defeated the Benazir Bhutto. He also worked as a leader of IJI which was backed up by ISI.

During his first term, he does aspiring production for the country. The highlighted work was the reverse of communization policies. He promoted the privatization of business. He provides a distinct infrastructure to Pakistan’s economy. This privatization trend opens 113 industries into privatization till 1993. The national economist said that’s a way to turn Pakistan into South Korea. To resolve the issue of unemployment he imported yellow cab taxis. But unbalanced dissemination affects his reputation in Sindh, Khyber, and Balochistan provinces. Pakistan is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. So Nawaz compiled Islamic rules to run Pakistan on Islamic principles. He certified the establishment of three Islamic committees for the following purpose,

1. To unite the Muslims of Central Asia

2. To establish Sharia

3. To introduce rules for Islamic welfare countries.

Nawaz made utmost attempts to make Pakistan a nuclear power. The US tried to threaten him by the stoppage of aid. But he set up the Institute of Nuclear Engineering INE). The purpose was to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. In this way, he forbid the lame restrictions of the US. Due to conflicts with India about Kashmir, atomic tests become a need. Nawaz had severe clashes with Gulam Ishaq Khan. This made Ishaq use his power to dissolve the National Assembly on 18 April 1993. Nawaz lever up the challenge in the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Court declared it unconstitutional. But later Nawaz Sharif resigned from his designation. He resigned due to the pressure of the Armed forces along with some conditions. After three months elections were again conducted for the parliament.


PPP re-established the government in Pakistan in the 1993 elections. Nawaz succeeds as a strong opposition leader. He gave adversity to Benazir Bhutto. Benazir also faced collisions from his brother Murtaza Bhutto. Nawaz and Murtaza formed a combo to sabotage the Benazir government. 1994 and 1995 were exhausting years for Nawaz. Murtaza and Nawaz arranged a “train march”. Nawaz delivered anticorruption speeches to gatherings. These all activities bring off ignominy for Benazir. Problems add up by the sudden death of his brother Murtaza Bhutto. This incident reportedly involved Benazir’s spouse. These all factors result in expel in October 1996.


In the 1997 elections, PML-N got a prodigious victory. The nation had much hope from Nawaz about the improvement of the economy. In the term of Benazir Bhutto, corruption of government worsen the economy.

During the election campaign of 1997, Nawaz promised to energize the economy. He claimed to improve the economy by removing uncertainty in nuclear policy. India do a nuclear test in May 1998, now Pakistan needed to prove its strength to the world. Nawaz was reluctant of nuclear testing. This was due to economic effects and opposition from the side of the finance minister. The economy was the sole reason which kept refrained Pakistan from nuclear testing. Although Pakistan had the complete nuclear setup from 1978. The second test of India caused panic. The world underestimates Pakistan's credibility. On 18 May, Nawaz asked (PAEC) to regularize the preparations for the nuclear test. Armed forces were on high alert. From others, India tried to attack Pakistan’s nuclear set up one day before testing. Pakistan Air Force clambered and made prepared nuclear bombs for disposal. On 28 and 30 May 1998, Pakistan in a victorious way executed its nuclear test. Pakistan become the first Islamic and seventh international nuclear power.

All credit went to Nawaz's bold decision. Although, Nawaz faced condemnation and a decrease in trade at the international level. But Nawaz's native popularity expanded.

Nawaz had come to power and rescripted the bill of rights. He amended the President's power to dissolve the government. Nawaz Sharif became the most prominent PM after the 14th modification in law.

From years to 1999, Nawaz Sharif availed cheerful relations with the Armed forces. But this relationship get worse when India shot down a Pakistani Plane. In this incident, the Navy lost 16 brave naval officers. This was the greatest battle casualty after the war of 1971.

Nawaz was unable to get help at the international level. The Navy considered it negligence. Nawaz also faced disputes with armed forces due to the Kargil war. Nawaz claimed that he did not know anything about the plan of the Kargil attack. All the responsibility was on Musharraf, the chief of army staff at that time. On Musharraf’s return from Srilanka at PIA airport. Nawaz ordered Sindh police to arrest Musharraf. No one can defeat you but it is you. The same happened to Nawaz, Musharraf communicate with top generals. Nawaz government ejected for the second time. This happened due to the stubborn economic policy and conflict with armed forces. In 1999 Pakistan was in an emergency. In 2003, Musharraf again got power by referendum.

5.      FALL OF NS


After the rebellion, Nawaz Sharif met out the punishment of kidnapping, hijacking, and terrorism. He was punished to lifetime prison. But Saudi Arabia indulges in. And after some agreements, Nawaz was convicted of banishment for 10 years.


Motivated by the 2007 court decision, Nawaz with his family came to Pakistan. But Musharraf did not allow him to land. They moved to Jeddah. All the hopes to motivate voters against Musharraf’s cruel government were over. In late November 2007, Nawaz was warmly welcomed by a huge crowd at Lahore airport. Upon his arrival to Pakistan, Nawaz scheduled himself in the competition.

In December 2007, Benazir demised during stamping in Rawalpindi. She was recently allowed to come to Pakistan. Elections were postponed till February 2008. Pakistani people voted in huge numbers for PPP in sympathy. PML-N got 1/4th seats while PPP secured 1/3rd seats of parliament. In March these two parties made an alliance government. They agreed to arraign Musharraf get down to his quitting. But this coalition falls in on the matter of rescuing the rights of judges. In the light of the orders of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, in February 2009, Nawaz Sharif and his brother cannot open public office. Nawaz started a rally with the agenda of resetting judges to their designation. At last, the government accepted the demands of “Long March”. The reinstatement of judges opened all closed doors for Nawaz. Nawaz can run his public office as a result of the 18th change in the law. All charges dropped. Nawaz was always an ardent opponent for Zardari.


During the elections of 2013, a new rival was in competition, the leader of PTI Imran khan. From 2011to 2013, Nawaz and Imran Khan blame each other for the worst condition of the economy. The competition kept on rising. PML-N got 124 seats. They established their government by coalition with independent candidates. Nawaz takes the oath as PM on June 7, 2003. Imran khan censures the transparency of elections. He held protests in Islamabad for several months.

Operation Zarb-e-Azb and Ranger operation in Karachi innovated. This was to scoop security risks all over the country. The Sharif government was able to reform the economic situation, the growth rate was at a high index. Chinese prime minister visited Pakistan and publicize the financial aid.

In November 2013, Nawaz planned the construction of nuclear power plant in Karachi. The budget fixed for this program was $9.59 billion. Electricity supply was a considerable challenge for Nawaz. The previous government didn’t work on this at all. Factories and power plants are frozen. Unemployment was at a peak. Nawaz's strategies resulted in deficit load-shedding. A widespread network of motorways and roads was established in his period. He issues licenses to mobile companies. This would bring into existence a large number of jobs in private regions. In March 2017, FATA amalgamated with KPK under the reform project. Nawaz initiates the Prime Minister Youth program. The purpose was the distribution of laptops, elaboration of skills, and interest-free grants.

Nawaz introduced social reforms for minorities. He wants to make Pakistan a democratic country. On Diwali, Holi, and Christmas public holiday declared.


Nawaz got dominion in 2013, the rivals expostulate. Imran Khan, Tahir-ul-Qadri, PMLQ, and AML accumulated against the government. They demand cynicism over the arraignment that the 2013 elections were scraggy. On the other side, Nawaz dibs these were even-handed elections in the country’s history. He was censured by the opposition for sponsorship of his relatives on distinct seats. Imran khan motivates workers to lockdown Islamabad.



Nawaz summons for corruption and ownership of offshore companies all over the world. Panama papers disclosed the reality about Nawaz’s assets. All the companies registered in the name of his daughter Maryam Nawaz. Panama paper case preoccupied in the Supreme Court of Pakistan. The purpose was the inquiry of assertions of deceit and concealment on Nawaz Sharif. Opposition and General Rahil Sharif warned that inclusive liability was essential. In 2018, the third term of Nawaz Sharif came to an end. The Court also banned the holding of public office. In July 2018, the Federal Judicial of Pakistan convicted Nawaz to prison for a decade. His daughter and son-in-law were doomed to lock up for seven years and one year.

PML-N acknowledged the victory of PTI in the elections of 2018. Kalsoom Nawaz demised with cancer in September. Nawaz and Maryam attend the funeral in Lahore. Reports described that Nawaz suffered four angina attacks. He was sentenced to seven years of jail in the Al-Aziza case. Imprescriptible He granted bail on a humanitarian basis. Nawaz went to London for treatment in October 2019. Nawaz is an escaper in the documents of Pakistan.

Despite unavailability in Pakistan Nawaz kept busy in Pakistan Politics. PDM was the union of opposition parties established in 2020. Nawaz Sharif was the man lead role of PDM. PDM aimed to resist the interruption of armed forces in civilian government.


Sharif forthcoming is knitted with that of his party PML-N. Although, PML-N had a lucky streak of winning. But voters may be hurt due to uncertainty in the future directories. The political leader who escaped from the country overlooked many problems. Political party unity is harmed. Fractions may form. Like PML-Q was established when Nawaz was exiled in 2002. Two philosophies are present in PML-N at that time. While Nawaz Sharif is in London his popularity is still in Punjab. To defeat PML-N in Punjab is not an easy job for rivals as most of the supporters and lovers of NS still looking to say but in reality, there is no more future of the political career of MNS in Pakistan,s political system.


The personality I choose to write about is Nawaz Sharif. I choose him as he worked for Pakistan for three terms as Prime Minister. Over the past few years, he was highlighted in news. I want to write about him to reflect his services. Moreover, there are also some flaws in his period which are discussed.

This article will help you to learn that life is not always the same. There is always a joy with sadness and vice versa. You have to come forward with a new strategy and ideas.

I made revisions. I use software to check readability. One of my fellows helps me to make corrections by thorough repetitions.

At the start, I wrote blogs on health topics. This is my first experience writing the biography of a political famous leader of his time. It was plodding in the beginning then turned out to be an overriding experience for me. This took too long to research and write. So, keep on trying and everything is possible. The more you will get into the reading, the more meaningful it will become for you.


1.‘In Pictures: The Rise and Fall of Nawaz Sharif - Pakistan - DAWN.COM’. Accessed 21 November 2021. https://www.dawn.com/news/1348024.

2.‘Nawaz Sharif | Biography, Family, & Facts | Britannica’. Accessed 21 November 2021. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Nawaz-Sharif.

3. ‘Nawaz Sharif - Wikipedia’. Accessed 21 November 2021. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nawaz_Sharif.


[1] ‘In Pictures: The Rise and Fall of Nawaz Sharif - Pakistan - DAWN.COM’.

[2] ‘Nawaz Sharif - Wikipedia’.

[3] ‘Nawaz Sharif | Biography, Family, & Facts | Britannica’.


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